May 20th 2022
Hannah and Drew's golden hour beach shoot was one of my favorites to date. These two are dear friends of mine and they graciously allowed me try out some different style techniques for the their shoot. I really enjoyed working with the lighting this cloudy Friday! There was a chance we were going to get rained on and we nearly missed the storms that came that night! What friends they are for braving the looming weather to run around on the beach.
During the intense months of Covid I was living in the city and lived below these two in an apartment complex. We spent many hours on walks, playing games and enjoying community when the world felt like it was shut down! These two have become dear friends to me quite quickly over the last few years. It is such a joy to be able to see them when I am back in the city. Even if its just for a quick lunch or exploring a new part of the city.
If you want to see the whole photo album from Drew and Hannah's photoshoot click here.